Updated October 2021

How are Mobile Solutions Advancing?

We are living in an amazing era where technology is advanced, yet small enough to fit in our pockets. Smartphones are the future as well as the present. When the first iPhone came out, augmented reality and virtual reality were still pipe dreams. Now most smartphones have the ability to enhance our lives both physically and in the virtual world. However, with the Internet of Things and other advanced technologies in development, there are many who believe that the smartphone will be replaced. But with the advent of intelligent mobile apps, it looks like smartphones are here to stay.

What are Intelligent Apps?

Intelligent apps are applications that use historical and real-time data based on user interactions and patterns to make predictions and suggestions to enhance the user experience with a more personalized touch.

A smartphone is a nexus point for many virtual experiences and services for a user. Technologies that can augment this nexus and create unique experiences will define the future. This is where an intelligent app can change things. Of course, it’s not just about the user experience alone, intelligent apps will also cater to businesses who want to connect better with users to enhance value and yield greater business results.

Gartner named intelligent apps as one of the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends. The technology can be used in a variety of industries or domains such as productivity, beauty, education, sales, manufacturing, and entertainment.

Features of Intelligent mobile apps

Here are a few features of Intelligent Apps:

  1. Input Tracking
    Modern intelligent applications are able to understand visual cues and recognize facial expressions via a smartphone camera. A learning application, for example, would use a visual cue such as a puzzled expression, to understand if a user is having difficulty with a tutorial or course.
  2. AI Powered Solutions
    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being used to understand user patterns and behaviors to provide better service in I-apps.
  3. Personalized experience
    Intelligent applications will provide relevant suggestions and information to ensure that the user has a personalized experience. Delving through your history and user patterns, I-apps will figure out your personal choices and make intelligent suggestions.
  4. Instant Response
    Generally, I-apps are quite fast as they are constantly collating data and predicting user behavior. These applications are capable of solving a query in a split second.
  5. Automation
    The AI used in such applications tends to be a lot more sophisticated with infinite machine learning algorithms that automate a number of tasks.
  6. Handles Big Data
    Intelligent applications are designed to handle big data. Yes, they can sift through large amounts of data and figure out the complexities and patterns within. Smartphones are constantly improving in processing power, intelligent apps will soon more efficient at tackling big data.

What Frameworks are Required for Intelligent Mobile Apps?

Building an intelligent application isn’t easy. There are many factors to take into consideration while developing. For example, the app should not completely change the user journey. A subtle augmentation is preferred to enhance the user experience. For example, self-organized apps can have small additions, deletions or self-learning algorithms to provide new insights to the user. In this type of apps, the age of the app and lifetime of the app-user will drive their maturity and success. If you’re planning to build an I-app, here are a few frameworks to consider:

  • A framework to Know Your Users’ Activity (KYUA).
  • A framework to acknowledge the patterns of user activity and provide support for prescriptive design changes.
  • A framework to take the app to the next level of engagement and user satisfaction by rolling off quick releases.

Does Your Business Need a Mobile App Developed?

If your business is looking for custom web application development or mobile app development services then we can help. Get a free consultation today.

Here are some of the questions asked to us by mobile app startup business owners:  

Q: How will my business benefit from a mobile app?   

A: Our transformational mobile app development projects provide technological and business advantages to every business we work with. Our New York-based app development team is equally adept at building standard features in apps such as push notifications, social integration, location services and mobile purchases as well as advanced features like QR/Barcode scanning, advanced analytics and augmented reality. With vast experience in mobile application development and a versatile portfolio, our development company takes a holistic approach, employing web, mobile and cloud solutions to solve our customers’ application needs.

Q: How much does it cost to have a mobile app developed?     

A: The time and cost it takes to complete a project varies from one project to another, as each client’s requirements are unique. In some cases, depending on the nature and complexity of the project, a detailed discovery phase i.e.; requirements gathering phase is required in order to assess the total effort (time, money and resources) for project completion. Our costs scale based on the size and the end goal of the project.    

Q: Will your mobile app comply with our standards and security policy?   

 A: At Asahi Technologies, we ensure the code of your software is secured and follows all of your strict business guidelines.    

Let the established software development team at Asahi Technologies help you with your next custom app development project for your business.

Want to read some of the 5-Star Reviews of our application development services? 

Click here for reviews 

Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Rahul Jain

Chief Solutions Architect

Rahul is a wellspring of wisdom when it comes to driving innovation and improving healthcare services using advanced custom software solutions. He specializes in delivering the technical guidance needed to ensure success across the digital product life cycle. His unique problem-solving approach provides the guidance and strong architectural foundation needed to transform digital health services.