Updated September 2021

Software industries are evolving

If you are in the tech industry, you know how quickly things change. There is no denying the fact that businesses that are able to adapt themselves to such changes are far more likely to succeed and stay ahead of the competition. Today we are going to talk about the top 5 trends in technology that will shape the future of software development.

1. Containerization

Application containerization is an operating system–level virtualization method used to deploy and run distributed applications without the need to launch virtual machine learning for each app. Containers essentially work as a way of packaging software. Running containers is thus predictable, repeatable, and immutable. Docker and Kubernetes are container technologies that help you run applications within Linux containers. Many organizations have already adopted this thread. In a few years, it will be uncommon to see people not using containers.

2. Functional programming

In Computer Science, a functional programming refers to the style of building structures and elements of computer programs by considering computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions without changing state and mutable data. Functional programming language is still in its infancy and hasn’t gained widespread acceptance. With Elm and Facebook’s ReasonML, however, more developers are adopting functional programming.

3. Multiplatform UI development

Today there are very few solutions that help us develop a single web-based frontend for both iOS and Android. Multiplatform UI development will become essential in the near future because developing individually for different platforms is definitely inefficient.

4. Software to build software

Smaller companies often find themselves in a situation where they need to pitch a concept but they don’t have the programming knowledge to code a prototype. Software to build new software and mockups will be an important step to remedy the situation. It would narrow the gap between a concept/idea and the actual product. Such software will make showing proof of concepts affordable. It would be a godsend for startups.

5. Human behavior modeling

Yet another promising trend in programming will be in the sphere of human behavior modeling. Algorithms to replicate human behavior outcomes such as shopping decisions will completely change the face of digital marketing. Predictive algorithms could also help in law enforcement and crime prevention.

6. Customer experience is key

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already an important role in developing software that is user-friendly, and will remain a critical component of digital transformation. As user experience plays a huge factor in determining the success of software, businesses will have no choice but to continuously test new innovations.

Does your business need help in software development?

If you are looking for custom software development we can help. Our web-based solutions are guaranteed to improve the competitiveness, efficiency and profitability of your business. Asahi Technologies is prepared to meet all of your enterprise software development needs with the utmost confidence that we can deliver a product that lives up to your standards.

Here are some of the questions asked to us by our Manufacturing Industry and Financial Services Application Development Clients:

Q: I have a fairly decent idea of what I want to build. But, I do not have detailed specifications for my project. Is this alright?
A: Don’t worry if you don’t know all of the technical stuff. We’re happy to discuss your ideas and advise you. We have a highly experienced business team that can comfortably translate business functions and requirements into software project specifications, user stories and wireframes. Most clients that come to us don’t have specifications, we develop these for them. We have satisfied global clients from many different industries – all who were at very different stages of planning. To read some reviews of our Custom Software Development Company & Web Application Development Services check out our testimonials page.

Q: Why should I hire Asahi Technologies for my custom enterprise software development project?
A: At Asahi Technologies, we value the partnerships we create. Our clients represent more than just a project. As your technology partners we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your unique business needs by leveraging complex technologies and providing you the support and maintenance you require after a project is launched. We value creating purposeful and innovative projects that help your business grow, become more profitable and more efficient.

With head office in New York, we have experience working with the most demanding clients, for instance, in the financial industry. We have a strong business strategy team, which listens to client challenges carefully before crafting the most suitable technology solution and our technology team is passionate about building quality software solutions for clients. We blend the best and the brightest creative thinkers and engineers who are dedicated to excellence and revolutionizing your business with unique web solutions.

Q: Who will be my point of contact at Asahi Technologies?
A: The project manager assigned to your project will usually be your primary point of contact throughout the course of the engagement with Asahi Technologies.

Let Asahi Technologies help you develop your next custom application development project for your business.

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Rahul Jain

Chief Solutions Architect

Rahul is a wellspring of wisdom when it comes to driving innovation and improving healthcare services using advanced custom software solutions. He specializes in delivering the technical guidance needed to ensure success across the digital product life cycle. His unique problem-solving approach provides the guidance and strong architectural foundation needed to transform digital health services.