Updated July 2021

Why social networking sites are important

Staying connected and sharing your thoughts with like-minded people has become easier than it was a decade ago. Social networking websites have revolutionized the way people interact socially and share their common interests, concerns, thoughts, ideas, and objectives.

In recent years many smaller social media websites have been launched that facilitate connectivity, community bonding, and bring people with shared objectives on a single platform. Custom social network sites, by virtue of the fact that they were custom-built for a specific target audience, give the personal touch that is a prerequisite for community bonding.

How can I create my own social networking site?

If you have found a social niche that is untapped, getting a social networking site built for this purpose is definitely a great idea. Whether it is a small and private social media network or a bigger one for a global audience – it is achievable!

All you need is a clear vision and a good team to turn the dream into reality. However, before you begin, careful evaluation of the following key considerations will help you get the best social networking site that caters to your specific needs:

1. Long term scope & Scalability

What is the objective of this network? Is it for fun, raising awareness, charity, profit-making or something else? What is the future growth prospect and how beneficial would it be to the users?

The success and future growth of any social networking platform depend on its usability and relevance in the long term. Also, the model should have a scalable approach so all the future needs of the growing community can be catered to.

Having a clear vision would make it easy to begin the development process based on your specific requirements.

2. Hosted model vs Cloud model

Choosing between hosted model and a cloud model is an important decision that should be made early on. The hosted model allows for installation of the software on a local server and access is confined to users within the network. The Cloud model allows users to access the application from anywhere in the world, provided they have the right credentials to log in.

How much does it cost to start a social networking site?

The initial setup cost, ongoing maintenance cost, recurring cost, and costs associated with scaling the network are completely different for each model. Both these models have their own benefits and depending on the requirement and the size of the social network, this decision should be made with appropriate inputs from your development partners.

For maximum flexibility, one can even decide to start with a hosted model, that gives greater control over access and data security, which is required for smaller communities and later migrate to the more cost-effective and widely accessible cloud model, where more users and features are added.

Deciding on the right application hosting option early on in your project is essential for the development and delivery of a good social networking site.

3. Pre-packaged solution vs. Custom solution

A key decision and perhaps the most important one to be taken before creating a social networking site is deciding between:

a) Customizing a pre-packaged social network framework and

b) Getting a social network custom built from scratch.

There are a number of popular pre-packaged solutions available in the market that can help get your social networking site off the ground rapidly.

Thanks to the large user community, these customizable social network frameworks are thoroughly tested and widely used by various sites, and hence provide a robust solution.

These pre-packaged solutions have various features that can be tweaked with minimal effort to suit your specific needs and deliver a fully functional networking website. They are cost-effective, don’t take much time to implement, and easy to maintain.

However, these solutions may not have certain unique features essential for a specific community. In such situations, a custom solution that is tailor-made to meet your requirements is the way to go.

One can also take the approach of building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) by customizing a pre-packaged social networking solution, and as the scope and requirements are clearly defined over a period of time, custom develops the social networking website.

Does your business need to hire an app developer? 

If you are looking to get custom software developed we can help. Our web-based solutions are guaranteed to improve the competitiveness, efficiency, and profitability of your business.  

Here are some of the questions asked to us by our Manufacturing Industry and Financial Services Application Development Clients:  

 Q: I have a fairly decent idea of what I want to build. But, I do not have detailed specifications for my project. Is this alright?   

A: Don’t worry if you don’t know all of the technical stuff. We’re happy to discuss your ideas and advise you. We have a highly experienced business team that can comfortably translate business requirements into software project specifications, user stories, and wireframes. Most clients that come to us don’t have specifications, we develop these for them. We have satisfied global clients from many different industries – all of who were at very different stages of planning. To read some reviews of our Custom Software & Web Application Development Services check out our testimonials page.  

Q: Why should I hire Asahi Technologies for my custom software development project?    A: At Asahi Technologies, we value the partnerships we create. Our clients represent more than just a project. As your technology partners we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your unique business needs by leveraging complex technologies and providing you the support and maintenance you require after a project is launched. We value creating purposeful and innovative projects that help your business grow, become more profitable and more efficient.

With head office in New York, we have experience working with the most demanding clients, for instance, in the financial industry. We have a strong business strategy team, which listens to client challenges carefully before crafting the most suitable technology solution and our technology team is passionate about building quality software solutions for clients.    We blend the best and the brightest creative thinkers and engineers who are dedicated to excellence and revolutionizing your business with unique web solutions. 

Q: Who will be my point of contact at Asahi Technologies?    

A: The project manager assigned to your project will usually be your primary point of contact throughout the course of the engagement with Asahi Technologies. 

Let Asahi Technologies help you develop your next custom application development project for your business.

Want to read some of the testimonials of our New York software development company services? 

Click here for reviews 

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Client Success Manager

Sindhu is a tenacious and impassioned digital product and project manager specializing in driving client success across complex healthcare technology implementations and integrations. She is a certified Agile Scrum Master and holds advanced degrees in computer science and software engineering. Her philosophy is that “work is where the heart is” and believes the key to success is creating a solid, supportive, and cohesive team.