Updated September 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is elevating technology in every industry, including software. Since, Java is the programming language of choice, there are quite a few AI libraries in Java and tools available. As you might know AI covers a wide area in software. So, in this article we have chosen five popular sub-fields, to give you an overview of the various AI sub-fields, and tools and libraries in Java available for each one.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (i.e; NLP) deals with interpreting human language in natural form. AI, computer science and computational linguistics are combined to allow interaction between computers and humans, in order to achieve this. NLP finds application in speech recognition, text-to-speech, search and analysis of data etc. This has a lot of practical applications, especially when it concerns speech recognition, natural language understanding and generation.

Apache OpenNLP

This library is a machine learning based toolkit that processes natural language text. The project was developed by the open source community, and it supports common tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, parsing and language detection among others.

Stanford Core NLP

Written in Java, Stanford Core NLP consists of a suite of integrated human language technology tools for NLP. The framework is used for many tasks such as; indicate sentiment, give the base forms of words and parts of speech et al.

Expert Systems

These are systems that make informed decisions based on context. In other words, it mimics the decision-making ability of a human by working on the basis of the if-then rule. This is done by thousands of nested if-then statements. Popular in AI since the 80s, this knowledge-based system finds application in Finance (monitoring), law (AI attorney) and healthcare (diagnosis).

Apache Jena

This is a free and open source framework in Java that is used for building linked data and Semantic web applications. It has internal reasoners, an API to create and read RDF (Resource Description Framework) and supports Web Ontology Language as well.


Written in STELLA, PowerLoom is a system for constructing intelligent, knowledge-based applications. It can be easily translated into Java and comes with the PowerLoom GUI and Ontosaurus (web-based browser).

Neural Networks

The Neural Networks system consists of an algorithm modeled on the way the neurons in the human brain functions. Here you have neural nets placed one on top of the other in interconnected tiers. While the raw input is fed to the first tier, the output is received at the last tier. This type of system finds application in face recognition software, signal processing etc.


This is an open-source, lightweight Java framework that is used to create neural network architecture. It comes with a GUI tool and Java neural network library to make the process of developing, training and saving the neural network simpler.


Eclipse Deeplearning4j is a distributed deep-learning library written in Java and compatible with JVM languages. It is completely open source. It supports GPUs and is integrated with Hadoop and Apache Spark.

Automatic Programming

This is a type of computer programming where there is an auto-generation of code snippets based on context. That program code automatically gives rise to another program based on certain specifications. Automatic Programming can be split into two categories—generative programming and source code programming. In the former, standard libraries are used to improve efficiency and in the latter a template that has been created with a programming tool generates the code.


Java Object Oriented Querying, known as jOOQ, is a database mapping software library. It is used to generate Java code from the database and allows for the integration of SQL language into Java to build safe quality SQL quickly.

Spring Roo

This is a lightweight, open-source developer tool for Java engineers to create rapid applications. It is part of the Spring portfolio of products and it not only allows for coding in Java, but also allows the reuse of existing knowledge and skills in Java.

Genetic Algorithms

This algorithm is inspired by evolutionary biology and natural selection. In this case, an optimized solution for a problem is generated based on a set of input parameters. Genetic Algorithms are able to search through large and complex data sets and hence finds application in varied industries such as engineering design, robotics, and automotive design among others.


Written in Java, Jenetics is an advanced evolutionary/genetic algorithm and genetic programming library. It comes with an Evolution Stream to execute the evolutionary steps and implement the Java Stream interface.


This is a framework to implement platform-independent evolutionary algorithms in Java. Watchmaker is said to be high-performance and object oriented, and comes with a multi-threaded evolution engine. It also comes with an evolution monitor to track the progress of the evolution.

We have listed a few Java-based tools and libraries for certain AI fields. This is by no means a complete list, but it is still an important one.

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Vinod is a deeply devoted digital health enthusiast who believes technology is a great enabler that provides the key to unlocking a better world. He is driven by a singular goal: to help healthcare organizations leverage technology to deliver better digital services for patients, providers, payers, and other community health stakeholders. His expansive computer science domain expertise, humanity, and commitment to community are major assets for healthcare, medical, pharmaceutical, and life science enterprises.